TR (TRUMP): Let me just say this about ketchup. Unless you are a total loser, this is what you put on your hot dog. Now some people out of ignorance go for the mustard. Either ignorance or else maybe something else is going on there. I'm not saying that something else is going on. I believe it's ignorance. But a lot of people say there's something there that does not meet the eye, which is inconceivable to me, but there it is. We got so much political correctness going on now, people are afraid to say boo, but I'm gonna say it even though people are going to misconstrue this as hate speech or something. But ---- I say, ketchup is made from tomatoes raised in this country and they're great tomatoes. Beautiful. I love tomatoes. Mustard is Muslim---- you know it and I know it, why do you think they call it deviled eggs and until we can figure out what's going on there, I am calling for a ban on mustard because until we figure out what is going on here, I don't think we can take any chances.


These are the dark times when people live in fear,

Who knows where another smear of mustard will appear?

But we're gonna make America great and get foreigners out of here.
