I was raised in Iowa, went to Wartburg,

German, I'm proud to say.

Thirty years a member of Zion Lutheran,

In the fourth row every Sunday.

Always sit in the back of the church,

Always in the same pew.

I like the folks who sit back there,

They're all German too.

We are a modest people

And we never make a fuss

And it sure would be a better world

If they were all as modest as us.

Episcopalians are proud of their faith,

You ought to hear them talk.

Who they got? They got Henry the 8th

And we got J.S. Bach.

Henry the 8th'd marry a woman

And then her head would drop.

J.S. Bach had 23 kids

Cause his organ had no stop.

I was raised to keep a lid on it,

Guard what you say or do.

A Mighty Fortress is our God

So He must be Lutheran too.