Aldrich Bryant Colfax Dupont

Emerson Fremont Girard

You've got orderly streets, just what you want

And every house has a yard

Humboldt Irving James and Knox

Logan Morgan Newton Oliver Penn

Shady streets where you like to go for walks

Again and again and again

Queen Russell Sheridan Thomas Upton

Vincent Washburn Xerxes York Zenith

No disorder, no crime or corruption

Minneapolis: you should've seen it.

And so we have a solar system

Mercury Venus Earth and Mars

In perfect order: a child could list 'em

Any school child of ours.

And the elements in a table, line by line

In squares, green, yellow and pink

Sulfer, Chlorine, Iodine,

Nickel, Copper, Zinc

The executive judicial and legislative branches

The seven days of the week

The Father Son and Holy Ghost

The National and American leagues


Whenever you feel distressed

Cause life is such a mess

Just drive 50th Street straight west

There are strings and winds and percussion and brass

Villages, cities and towns

Adverbs modify verbs and adjectives

And adjectives modify nouns

What is the future, nobody knows

Or why did you go and do that

But there are four laws of thermodynamics

And five different ways to skin a cat

Eighty-eight keys on a piano

And six strings on a guitar

And there's Aldrich Bryant Colfax Dupont

Emerson Fremont Girard