GK: .....brought to you by POEM, the Professional Organization of English Majors. Good grammar.....the beginning of romance.

There were verbs that were not

In agreement with their subjects

But I never noticed at all

Till there was you

I had used the word "there"

But I often had misspelled it

Then you pointed out the problem

That I was wrong


And there were dangling modifiers

I told you, and when to use "which"

Instead of "that"


I said, "Me and her

Are going to get married"

And you said, "No we aren't"

And I lost you.


And then you studied and you worked on your grammar

And now you can speak fairly clearly

And say I do----


I do, yes I do, and I will and you do too

And we shall, over and through

Cause there is you

Yes, there is you