JS & GK:

Smells so lovely when you pour it,

You will want to drink a quar't

Of coffee.

It's delicious all alone, it's

Also good with doughnuts.

Black coffee.

Coffee stimulates your urges,

It is served in Lutheran churches,

Keeps the Swedes and the Germans

Awake through the sermons

Have a pot of it today,

I'm sure you'll say it's awfully good coffee.

College and coffee: they just go together. You're young, you stay up late, you don't want to miss anything, and you come to your 8 a.m. art history class in a state of unconsciousness and you're dreaming about the Renaissance painters and Michelangelo and Leonardo and Caravaggio and Tintoretto and then you have a cup of coffee and they come alive, you're there, in the Sistine chapel and the finger of God is reaching out to you, that's what coffee does.

It is joyfully awaited

And of course it's caffeinated


It's what everybody wants

With doughnuts or croissants.

Black coffee.

Guatemalan or Brazilian

Makes you feel like a million

For a junior or a senya

Colombia or Kenya

Have a pot of it today,

I'm sure you'll say it's awfully good coffee.