GK: ......after a word from American Pharmaceuticals. Reality show star Megan Maxwell.

SS: I have never gotten over the painful memory from childhood of the time my brother slammed my finger in the car door. Every time I hear a door slam, it's a trigger ------How do I cope? I eat healthy food, I exercise every day, I maintain close friendships, and I use a lot of drugs.

TR: Yes, pharmaceuticals. They may be the answer for you. Ask your friends if you can try theirs. Choose a day when you don't need to work with numerals, try out a few and see what they do. If you're not using drugs now, maybe you should be. Everybody else is. Why aren't you?

GK: Me?

TR: You seem unfocused.

GK: Unfocused on what?

TR: Are you beset with feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness?

GK: I thought everyone was.

TR: Are you beset with feelings of inadequacy----?

GK: Not "beset," maybe "beleaguered" or tormented----

TR: "Inundated" ?

GK: Sometimes.

TR: If you suffer from inadequacy, there's a pharmaceutical for you. They're not just for sick people anymore. A message from the Pharm Team.


It's a nation of medication.

You're feeling okay? Good. But still----

Take a pill.