Urology Urology

O tell me what's the matter

I stand around and try to pee

It trickles out erratically

And then it leaks all over me

I have a lousy bladder

Urology Urology

When working on my plumbing

Be careful where you put your knife

I have to entertain my wife

She beats the drum. I play the fife.

And O what lovely drumming

GK: I feel great as I always do after I've been at The Mayo Clinic. You go from one specialist to another - it's my only encounter with science -and you ask a question, and some brilliant person talks for ten minutes about the eyeball, or about the atrium of the heart or the aging bladder, or whatever else you're curious about, and after a whole day of expertise about the incredible complexity of the body, the connective tissue, the ducts, the valves, arteries, the optic nerve, it fills a person with a sense of grandeur - our bodies are such marvels, surely we are meant to do great things in this world, and it moves me to poetry-

GK: I learned a little about the cornea, about the prostate, about genetics, about the aorta. I did something at Mayo I've never done before and that is to poke myself in the belly with a needle and slowly push on a plunger to inject a blood thinner. I did it in the examining room where an attractive young woman nurse asked me, "Do you think you could give yourself a shot?" and in the presence of young women a man knows no fear.

I would climb mountains, swim the seas

I would eat some bumblebees

I could be witty and effervescent

If women were present

Somehow women make me braver

If one fell overboard, I would save her

Run barefoot cross the burning decks

Anything for the gentle sex

Art and music and literature

Written by him to impress her

Michelangelo painted the Sistine ceiling

For Christine for whom he had a special feeling

Bach loved a woman, he would wine and dine her

And he wrote the Mass in B minor.

And James Joyce wrote Ulysses

For his missus.

GK: If it weren't for women, we men would squat

Around the fire and grunt a lot.

Women have pulled us out of the gutters

And also they make good mothers

If you had come out of your pop

He might've held you or let you drop

You would've faced all kinds of trauma

Thank God you had a momma.

I could face a den of lions

Even study math and science

I could be a radio showman

Or jab a needle in my abdomen

No hesitation, without fear

If it would impress you, dear.

Every time I sing and dance

I think of my momma and my aunts.

I would try to walk on water

For my daughter.

I would make the waters part

For you, sweetheart.

Anything I can think of

I would do for you, my love.