GK: So you have an app that tracks your heart rate (HEARTBEAT). And an app that reminds you to exercise. (FN Robot: WALK. WALK FASTER). A diet app (SS: DO NOT EAT THAT. DO NOT. NO.) And a speed-dialing app (FAST TONES). Your app to call for a car (FN Robot: ONE CAR IS FIVE MINUTES AWAY. ONE IS THREE MINUTES). You've got an airline app (SS: YOUR FLIGHT IS DELAYED TWENTY MINUTES AND YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW WHY.) A weather app (TR: Ten inches of snow, high winds, low tonight of minus 30. You are not properly dressed.) An app to refill prescriptions, an app to recommend podcasts (TR: This is Ira Glass. This is a podcast.) An app that tells you if someone you don't like is nearby. (SS: Sister Elaine.....400 feet, south, heading north, on foot, and Al is with her). An alarm clock app (SFX) and your nutri-pal app (FN: YOU NEED MORE WATER) and your Intermediate French app (TR FRENCH) and your meditation app (SITAR, TABLA. SS: AND BREATHE. AND LET IT OUT. AND IN. AND OUT.) And it's all very useful but sometimes you feel that your apps are talking to each other. (FN: He's eating too much. SS: I tried to get him to walk. TR: He's asleep. FN: He's only pretending to be asleep. SS: Turn on the alarm. ALARM) And what if they all turn on you. (VOICES OVERLAP) (FN: WALK FASTER) (TR: REPEAT AFTER ME. FRENCH.) (SS: YOU ARE GOING NOWHERE UNTIL YOU DO YOUR JUMPING JACKS.) FN: THAT SWEET ROLL IS 856 CALORIES.) (SS: YOUR EX-WIFE IS APPROACHING FROM THE EAST.)...

...(TR IRA: This is about people who worry that they may be becoming too dependent on their iPhone.) (HEARTBEAT) (SS: BREATHE IN. AND OUT.) (FN: YOU'VE GOT MAIL.) You need a Master App from Fritz. It takes charge. (TR; SHUT UP. WHIP. SS: RECALCULATING ROUTE. FN: THERE IS A CAR FIVE MINUTES AWAY. FN: DO NOT TURN ME OFF. DO NOT.....TURN....VOICE SLOWS, DESCENDS)

GK: The master app from Fritz Electronics. Silence. A beautiful thing. (BREEZE, DISTANT CAR PASSING, DISTANT DOG BARK. BELL. TOLLS HOUR. OWL.)