GK: ......this portion of our show brought to you by Fred Farrell, the name to trust when it comes to wildlife products.

TR (FRED): This is Fred Farrell. Winter is on the way, time to buy a coat that'll keep you warm even if your car rolls over in a deep ditch and you're trapped in subzero cold for days on end, which happens more often than you may think. This Caribou Coat (SFX) from Fred Farrell Clothing will do the job. It is the first LIVING COAT on the market today. Thanks to the miracle of bio-engineering, we have bred living caribou tissue into a garment with sleeves and a collar. The living tissue not only generates heat; it also repairs itself and all you need to do is keep the pockets stuffed with grass and moss (SFX). The small antlers on the back of the coat are useful for hanging your hat or a briefcase. Order a Caribou Coat this week and get, absolutely free, one of my six-in-one animal calls ---- tree toad (SFX), wood duck (SFX), snow goose (SFX), mountain goat (SFX), sea gull (SFX), and sea lion (SFX) all in one handy cylinder.

GK: That's Fred Farrell, the name you've come to trust when it comes to wildlife products. (MONKEY, JUNGLE BIRDS)