SS: Do I look okay?

GK: Sure.

SS: You're not looking at me.

GK: You look terrific.

SS: Thanks but just look at me for a moment.

GK: You always look fine.

SS: This is one of those times I wish you were a woman. A woman would tell me.

GK: Tell you what?

SS: Tell me that I should not wear my hair down like this.

GK: It looks fine.

SS: I look like I think I'm just out of college.

GK: It's okay.

SS: Anyway, never mind. Let's not be late. Tracey hates it when people are late.

GK: We have plenty of time, it isn't even 7.

SS: It's a long way out to Orono.

GK: Orono? Are we going to a restaurant?

SS: Orono is where they live.

GK: When did they leave St. Paul?

SS: Three years ago.

GK: I thought we saw Tracey and Bud last Christmas.

SS: Tracey and Bud divorced three years ago. She's remarried. To Greg.

GK: Really?

SS: I told you. It was big news.

GK: What happened to Bud?

SS: Do NOT mention Bud! He's in prison. And his sister Sandy might be there. She's married to Tracey's brother.

GK: What about Tracey and Bud's kid?

SS: That was Tracey's kid with John. Her name is Kara. And her boyfriend is Sam. He's the son of Greg's first wife's brother.

GK: I thought her name was Dixie.

SS: That's the dog's name.

GK: It was on their Christmas card --

SS: Three years ago. Anyway, we're going to Tracey and Greg's house. Remember that. And Greg's adoptive child Volta will be there --

GK: Okay. Volta. A boy?

SS: Ooohhh. That could go either way. Just watch and listen and don't use gender pronouns until you hear someone else use them.

GK: What about Tracey's stepsister Sandy, will she be there?

SS: Sandy is not Tracey's stepsister, it's her au pair.

GK: How do you keep all these names straight?

SS: I have an app that is wired into your eyeglasses, that identifies people by sight and tags them. You just look at them and there's the name. It's the Who's Who app, and it's from Fritz Electronics.

GK: Boy. You're way ahead of me, Robin.

SS: I'm not Robin. I'm Jessica. Robin is your ex-girlfriend. I'm your wife. Remember?

GK: Got it. ---

TR: FRITZ ELECTRONICS...All the apps you need are on the Fritz. Look for it online or send a stamped self-addressed envelope to Box 28760, Crocus Hill Station, St. Paul 2, Minnesota. That address once again is...

GK: We've got it. Thank you.