Brought to you by the Professional Organization of English Majors.....

The digital age has speeded up communications so that abbreviations have crept into everyone's vocabulary, OMG, LMAO. BTW. BRB, IMHO. Even in romance, you're a SWM-ISO-LTR. In some churches, the Lord's Prayer begins OFWAIH. In Minnesota, when jumper cable season is upon us, people write on the back of their hands: PTP NTN. How far will this trend to abbreviation go? NK. But eventually people will forget what IMHO stands for and it will become a word itself, Imho, "That's my Imho," people will say. And as they walk away, they'll say BRB. Or "Burb". When General MacArthur was driven out of the Phillippines by the Japanese, he did not say, BRB. He said, "I shall return." Winston Churchill did not say, "WSNS" he said, "We shall never surrender." For the grandeur. Irving Berlin did not write a song called "GBA."

If you're an English major, you have a responsibility to resist. Don't text when you could sit and write a thoughtful note on a notecard with a fountain pen. It just means more. And do not use OMG in spoken speech. It opens the door to worse things. IMHO.