A Prairie Home Companion Segment 3 for June 28, 2014
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DIGIs (SING): Graduation Day. P.S. 215. Brooklyn, New York.

CD: Come over here, Sit down over here. No, no, no, no.

We're holding these seats.

You can't hold these seats.

Excuse me. Excuse me.

I've got five people coming.

We've been holding these seats all morning.

That's how it works. We got here early.

O my god, it's starting. The slide show is starting. I've got

to video the slide show on my iPad. I just have to turn it

around the other way.

You're taking a video of yourself. Look at you.

How does this thing work?


You, who are moms and dads I hope you're glad it's graduation

And now your boys and girls enter the world, congratulations.

We taught.... your children well, taught them to spell and to speak clearly

And answer No or Yes, and no B.S., but speak sincerely.

And to look you in the eye, and try not to tell a lie

And would it kill you by and by, to eat some salad.

SPOKEN: Let's stand up and give these kids a round of applause. I love these kids so much like they were my own kids.


The PTA has done so much for the kids and for the schools.

Without them I don't know where we would be.

The next award is for the PTA.

This next award is the B.W.E. Community Service Medal.

This next award is the Brooklyn District Attorney Citation

of Honor.


And you, of tender years, we love you dears, like our

own children

You passed....your teachers' test.....may you be blest

as you leave this building

You make us all so proud, we're crying now, we love

you dearly

Just try to clean your room, at least vacuum,the carpet


Let your conscience be the boss, rolling stones gather

no moss

Every day I hope you'll floss and eat more salads.

SPOKEN: This next award is the New York City Controller Achievement Award.

This next award is the Blanche Schwartz Service Award.

This next award is the NAESP American Citizenship Pins

This next award is the USC Arts Certificate.

This next award is very prestigious. The President's Award for Educational Excellence.

This next award is the PTA Honor Scholarship Plaque presented by PTA president Rosemary Cipriani.


And this concludes today, the PTA thanks all you parents

Please turn in robes and hats to Mrs. Katz or Mr. Clarence

And children foll---ow down the hall to the library

And pick up your awards from Mrs. Schwartz, the secretary.

And good luck in your next school, try to follow all the rules,

Remember learning is a tool, and eat more salads.