A Prairie Home Companion Segment 5
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GK: Our show comes to you from Minneapolis and I can't tellyou what an honor it is for a radio show from St. Paul and a St.Paul orchestra to be invited over here, I know they were tryingto get something better, but here we are, and as our thank you,we're going to run this little video

1) Headquarters of the Ninth Federal Reserve District, birthplaceof the indoor shopping mall, Minneapolis was built on lifeinsurance and cake mixes. Located on scenic Minnehaha Creek,Minneapolis is justly proud of its paved streets, many of themnumbered or arranged in alphabetical order, as well as itshandsome curbs and gutters.

2) The bustling metropolis comes to life early as parents rush toget their kids to Montessori where the sandbox is enriched andnaptime accelerated, so that the kiddoes have a chance to getinto a top-tier kindergarten. These third-graders are alreadydoing integral calculus and doing it in Mandarin Chinese. Wayto go, kids.

3) Justly proud of its cultural resources, Minneapolis boastsfirst-run movie theaters, restaurants with tablecloths, a publiclibrary where books and CDs can be borrowed at no charge.Forty percent of the city's residents have created somethingthemselves in the past two years, a poem perhaps, or a placemat.

4) Justly proud of its ethnic diversity, Minneapolis is home tothousands of non-Scandinavians. It's a real melting pot, truly aheterogeneous hotdish. Often you will hear people on streetspeaking languages other than English, or speaking English withfascinating foreign accents. As they say in Minneapolis, 'Viva ladifference.

5) Quality of life is important in Minneapolis. Good schools,nice lawns, convenient parking, and a world-class system ofstreetlights. It may not be the capitol of the state of Minnesota,but it's good enough as it is: the City of Lakes, Nokomis,Hiawatha, Cahoun, Henrietta, Lake of the Izzles, and Seder, St.Paul salutes our neighbor to the west, Minneapolis.