GK: ......we'll be back right after this word.

ED: Do you feel overlooked and neglected by others? Are you ignored in meetings? Do people act as if you don't exist? Believe me, they'll pay attention when you learn to be loud. Like this.....(BIG VOCALIZATION, RISING)....Probably your parents told you to "Keep your voice down." And so you did. And you became a wimp. Well it's time to take back your power. Don't be a doormat, be a diva.

TR: Miss Dehn, I'm sorry but your car isn't ready right now, we can have it ready in 15 minutes, okay? (ED VOCALIZE) Oh, it's you. I'm sorry. JOE, BRING UP MISS DEHN'S CAR. (CAR REV, BRAKES, DOOR OPEN) There you go.

ED: It's okay to be quiet in Minnesota but when you go to New York there are times when you need to be emphatic---

FN (NYER): Excuse me, coming through, watch your back----

ED (SINGS): This is a LINE. I am standing in LINE. The rear of the line is BACK THERE. Go back there or I will CAUSE YOU INCREDIBLE PAIN.

FN (NYER): Oh, sorry. Didn't see you. Have a nice day. Bye.

ED: Some people think that Diva means self-centered, petulant, demanding. No, no, no. Diva means, When The Going Gets Tough, The Tough Get Tougher. It means, Standing Up For What's Right and True. In S.O.S., the Sisterhood of Sopranos, Diva is a matter of self-respect. Women have been called Divas for hundreds of years, so accept it. Embrace your divahood.

TR: Excuse me, but I think you----

ED: Shut up.


Sometimes, there are times when a person must speak

Or else let the jerks simply rule the world.

And then if you speak you will need to speak rather loud

And it helps if you can break some glass. (CRASH)