GK: We're at St. Olaf College in Northfield, in the field house, and just above us a huge wind turbine turns providing about 1/3 of the college's electricity. In the dining hall, you find food from 15 local farmers and growers, some of it from St. Olaf's student-run organic farm, STOGROW. 100% of food waste goes into compost. There's a beautiful Science hall with grasses and columbine on the roof to reduce the heating and cooling load. Rainwater is collected for use in the greenhouse; passive solar lighting. An energy efficient building. 95% of all paper on campus comes from recycle content. Around the campus 325 acres of restored tallgrass prairie, wetlands, and woodlands. Neighboring farmland owned by the college has been converted to no-till agriculture. Lutherans: they are restless reformers at heart. And good stewards. And they eat well.