GK: Labor Day weekend means that fall is here and winter is coming soon (WIND) and Minnesota's state bird the loon is migrating south. On a northern wilderness lake, a male loon sounds the call to formation (LOON) and other loons respond (LOONS) and soon (FLAPPING) a whole flock of loons is in the air, flying south in their familiar M Formation. ( WINGS FLAPPING)

FN: Man, it's cold! We should've left weeks ago! Who's in charge?

TR: Quit complaining!

FN: It's like November!

TR: It's September!

FN: Are you sure?

TK (OFF): Is something wrong up there?

TR: Nothing's wrong. We're heading for a warmer climate. It's cold out. (HE MAKES LOON CRY)

SS (ELECTRONIC VOICE): In one and one half miles, make a gradual right turn and head west.

FN: What was that I heard? Huh? Hey you---- Mr. Leader----

TR: I don't need comments from the back row, thank you very much.

FN: We're supposed to follow the river, ya birdbrain.

GK: Where are we going? This isn't our normal route.

TR: Just keep flying.

GK: But we're supposed to stay over the river--- What's with the steep left turn?

TR: Keep your beak shut

TK: What's going on? We're heading west.

TR: Looking for thermals.

FN: You know, we loons have become an object of ridicule as it is. Don't make it worse by leading us into the mountains.

TK: Where's Arlene?

TR: If everybody would just settle down and fly. Let's focus. Stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke.

FN: Flying isn't the problem. We're supposed to go to the Gulf Coast.

SS (ELECTRONIC VOICE): In two point one miles, follow Interstate 90.


GK: She must've headed south.

FN: Where we were supposed to go.

TK: (LOON CALL) Arlene!!!!

TR: Just calm down, wouldja?

TK: We mate for life you know. This is kind of a big deal.

GK: She'll get over it. She'll find someone else.

TK: Hey thanks a lot.

FN: It's too cold ---let's find shelter---

TR: We're not stopping.

FN: How many of you want to stop? (LOONS CALLING) Looks like a majority.

TR: This is not a committee. It's a flock. And I'm the leader.

TK: Arlene!!!!!!!!!!!!! (LOON CALL)

FN: Hey, there's something stuck in your rump feathers.

TR: What?? (LOON CRY)

FN: Gotcha.

TR: You goosed me.

FN: Didn't goose you. I looned you.

TR: Just keep going--- keep going---

GK: I wonder if maybe the M formation is outdated.

TR: It's not. Just get your beak out of my butt, okay?

FN: We're going in the wrong direction.

TR: No, we're not--- look--- there are more loons up ahead---

GK: It's a major nesting area--- thousands of loons---

TK: Maybe Arlene is there!

GK: They're calling to us (AUDIENCE)

FN: What a beautiful sound! Our species (AUDIENCE)

TK: Arlene!!!!!!!!! (LOON CALL)