GK This portion of our show brought to you by the Cafe Boeuf, where the elite meet to eat. With your host, Antoine---- Bon jour, Antoine. Bon jour.

TR: What about a barn? ---- This is not a barn, monsieur.

GK I said, Bon jour.

TR: Manure? That's worse. (FRENCH HAUTEUR)

GK Sorry. Good day.

TR: Oui. Bonjour. That's better.

GK That's what I said. Bonjour.

TR: I have no idea what you're talking about. ---- (MUTTERS)

GK Is Maurice here? Your maitre-d----

TR: Patrons of what?

GK Maitre'd---- Maurice-----

TR: The source of what? Normandy? What???

GK Maurice. He worked here. Your maitre-d----

TR: Seder? Passover was in April-----

GK M-a-u-r-i-c-e, your m-a-i-t-r-e 'd.

TR: Aha!!!! The maitre'd! Maurice. Why didn't you say so? Maurice retired to Normandy. He owns a golf course. He's very happy. Very very happy. As we say, (FRENCH SAYING).

GK He always used to recommend cheeses for me. He'd bring out his big cheese cart. The cart de Fromage ----

TR: The who?

GK The cart with cheeses on it.

TR: Non non non non non. Not a cart, monsieur. A cart is what they carry manure in. This was a cheese chariot---- the Pont l'Eveque (SAVORY FRENCH), the Brie de Meaux, the Port Salut, the (GIBBERISH), and over here, a very rare bleu cheese, the (GIBBERISH) ---- over on this side you have several varieties of the (GIBBERISH), here the (GIBBERISH), and the (GIBBERISH) ----and so forth. All the cheese a person could want. As we would say, (FRENCH HAUTEUR).

GK You have any Cheddar?

TR: What is that?

GK A yellow cheese.

TR: Never heard of it.

GK They make it in Wisconsin and----

TR: Monsieur, what theWisconsin make is not cheese. It is dried yogurt, it's not cheese.

GK How about Swiss cheese?

TR: Swiss cheese we feed to our dogs. Monsieur, if you tried the (FRENCH GIBBERISH) you would never think of Swiss cheese again. The Swiss make watches, they make knives, they do not make cheese.

GK Okay, but----

TR: Why do we French work so hard to bring quality to the world when what the world wants is (FRENCH CONTEMPT RISING) ----

GK The Cafe Boeuf. Where the elite meet to eat. An oasis of refinement out here on the tundra.