Segment 1
00:00:00 APHC Logo Open
00:00:11 Tishomingo Blues
00:00:54 GK Intro
00:02:34 GK Poem re: Tanglewood (6/27/09)
00:04:40 "Bird Song," Heather Masse (6/27/09)
00:08:10 "Forever Dumb," GK and Heather (6/27/09)
00:10:39 Cowboys with Arlo Guthrie and Martin Sheen (6/27/09)
00:24:12 "Pitkin County" and "Daddy Played the Banjo," Steve Martin and Steep Canyon Rangers (6/27/09)
00:32:14 Powdermilk (6/27/09)
00:33:43 GK Powdermilk Outro

Segment 2
00:34:11 "Many Loves," Hilary Thavis (6/26/10)
00:37:45 Erica Script re: being chosen as next host (6/26/10)
00:43:47 "Going Down the Road", The Wailin Jennys (6/26/10)
00:47:05 Guy Noir script with Martin Sheen re: crazy conductor (6/27/09)
00:59:36 GK Intermission (6/27/09, "Avalon," The Guy's All-Star Shoe Band)

Segment 3
01:04:14 GK Welcome Back
01:04:39 "Roanoke/Big Mon," Stuart D. with Andy Stein (6/27/09)
01:07:41 Mom script re: 4th of July (6/27/09)
01:15:55 GK Intros Steve, into banjo jokes, into "Saga of the Old West," Steve and Steep Canyon Rangers (6/27/09)
01:19:10 ELCA script re: sunburns (6/27/09)

Segment 4
01:21:04 News From Lake Wobegon re: Miracles of Liz (6/26/10)

Segment 5
01:36:03 "In the Garden," PD (6/26/10)
01:38:50 "Motherless Child," The Wailin Jennys (6/26/10)
01:42:57 Ketchup with Erica (6/26/10)
01:47:14 GK Intro Arlo Guthrie, into "In the Shade of an Old Apple Tree," and "Times Like These," Arlo Guthrie (6/27/09)
01:54:01 GK Credits
01:55:13 "Facebook Blues," Hilary Thavis (6/26/10)
01:58:40 GK Credits