GK: We're at St. Olaf College in Northfield, Minnesota, limestone buildings on a high hill, the sun has set, a gorgeous sunset over the bare trees, the giant turbine windmill slowly turning above the gym where we are, the lights in the stained glass windows of Boe Chapel, and in the library and dorm rooms around campus, students are still hitting the books, working on laptops, studying for midterms. It's the time of year when you must either buckle down and commit to studying full-steam or else fade into defeat and misery. A young woman walks through the woods and skinny people go by on bikes and a couple walk by with their hands in each other's hoodie sweatshirt pocket.. In the cafeteria they're waiting for dinner. There's a webcam that parents at home can bring up on their computer and you see students with cellphones walking up to it and waving. This is a Norwegian Lutheran college and many of these people are blonde. And buoyant. Purposeful. Animated. No matter where you went to school, you look around and feel nostalgia. For college. What good years they were.