We are sailing to Seattle
On a cold and windy day
The boat is rocking in the waves
And the cold and salty spray
Andn I see you're turning greenish
And there's shame in your eyes
I wish you'd just throw up
And don't apologize.

Over there, to the side
Don't be chagrinned, just aim downwind
If you're seasick, give it up
And welcome to the club
We're all shipmates on the SS Harmony

Keep your eyes on the horizon
Keep your eyes upon the shore
Do not think about seasickness
As we sail ahead to port
But if you're sick, just do it
From the stern and to the lea
Don't apologize or feel bad
We are shipmates on the sea


When the storms of life assail you
And the waves around you rise
And you're feeling pale and greenish
Friend, do not apologize
If you lean over the side
In your misery and distress
Do whatever you must do
We will love you none the less


Good Christian folk, remember
That God took on human form
Jesus rode the Sea of Galilee
And he went through the storm
In your moment of anguish
As you feel your stomach roll,
Throwing up is like confession
And it's good for your soul.