When we came down to Tampa, we sent Fred on ahead because nobody wants to go through security with him (TICKING) Fred puts his laptop in the tray, he lays his jacket down (DOG BARKS), he takes off his shoes ("STEP AWAY FROM THE SHOES"), the security guys get a little uneasy, and then if one of us goes through the scanner first (ALARM),n Fred likes to cause a scene. (RED ALERT, RED ALERT. MAYDAY MAYDAY. KLAXON. SIREN). And you get on the plane and Fred is sitting behind you and making oddn mechanical sounds(WHINE OF WHEELS LOWERING, THEN RAISING, THEN LOWERING) as if the navigational system is out of whack and sometimes Fred goes up front to use the toilet and he goes on the P.A. instead (FN UNSTEADILY; THIS IS YOUR FIRST OFFICER, AHMAD MOHAMMAD. HAS ANYONE SEEN THE PILOT?n and it's not that funny a sound effects guy is wonderful for you, the audience, but for us you cross a hotel lobby with him (CHICKEN CLUCKING) and people look and here's a grown man in a blue suit and black shoes with tassels and his hair combed up in a pompadour and he's doing chickens and if you should drop your room key and bend over to pick it up (FART) and if you're rooming with him (DRIPS), forget it the guy is always working, working, honing his craft, perfecting the tools of his trade (ELK) that's an elk, by the way. Some people think it's a caribou, but it's an elk. A caribou sounds like this (CARIBOU). Which is easily confused with a wapiti....
GK:... But this is a wapiti (WAPITI) and this is a caribou (CARIBOU). Anyway he was looking forward to coming on the cruise because he knew we'd be talking about dolphins and he'd get to do his (SFX)