The Mississippi at its mouth
Joins the Gulf of Mexico,
The west wind mixes with the south,
High pressure with the low.
Nothing in nature stands apart,
All things rendezvous
And I guess I'd like to mingle with you.
The compound that is chlorophyll
Formed as the light increases
Makes every little flower thrill
With photosynthesis.
The morning glory mingles
With the honeysuckle vine,
Come wrap your little tendrils around mine.
I've been lonely as a cloud,
Drifting miserable and proud,
Lonely as a limestone butte
Handsome, noble, destitute,
But I need you, I confess
And I would like to coalesce.
Nothing in nature stands apart
All mingle, each with each.
So I'm looking for your heart,
As a wave looks for its beach.
Let me crash upon your sand
And drench you with my tide,
Darling, let's be unified.
Intermingled intertwined
This is what I have in mind.
I just feel a sudden urge
Could we not arrange to merge?
Nothing in nature stands apart,
All things rendezvous
And I guess I'd like to mingle with you.
Nothing in nature stands apart,
All things rendezvous
And I guess I'd like to mingle with you.