Segment 1
00:00:00 APM Logo Open
00:00:12 Tishomingo Blues
00:00:55 GK Open
00:04:03 "Norwegian Rag #1" and "Fingerbreaker," Morten Gunnar Larsen
00:11:11 GK Intro Syttende Mai script and National Opera singers
00:11:44 Syttende Mai script
00:17:40 GK talks with Norwegian National Opera singers, plus songs
00:27:28 GK Intro Powdermilk break
00:27:53 Powdermilk Biscuit Break
00:29:03 GK Outro Powdermilk Biscuit break, plus intro Norse script and Samuelsens

Segment 2
00:29:36 Norse script
00:34:40 GK Intro Mari and Hakon Samuelsen
00:35:09 "Mountain Vision," Mari and Hakon Samuelsen
00:39:59 "Passacaglia," Mari and Hakon Samuelsen
00:45:02 GK Intros Frigg
00:45:25 "Danny and I"/ "Cross Country," Frigg
00:50:13 GK talks with Frigg
00:52:09 "Polka Internationale," Frigg

Segment 3
00:55:26 GK Intermission Credits ("Exactly Like You" )
00:57:16 NETCUE
00:59:00 GK Welcome Back, plus intro St. Olaf strings/ Grieg music
00:59:25 "Varen," St. Olaf Orchestra string section
01:05:01 St Olaf Travelogue script
01:08:28 GK talks about Olaf Christenson
01:10:14 "Beautiful Savior," St. Olaf Choir
01:14:15 Guy Noir script
01:23:40 GK Intro Morten Gunnar Larsen, plus mono
01:24:22 "Don't You Leave Me Here," Morten Gunnar Larsen

Segment 4
01:28:44 The News From Lake Wobegon

Segment 5
01:43:18 "Praise You Our God," St. Olaf Choir
01:45:52 Norwegenetics script
01:48:34 GK Intro Grieg script
01:49:08 Grieg/Married Couple script
01:55:13 GK credits
01:56:26 "Jalla Jalla," Frigg
01:58:54 APM Logo
01:58:59 OUT