Garrison Keillor: ...we'll be back after this message. (PIANO)

Tim Russell: Nice ring, Julie. When are you getting married?

Sue Scott: In June, Doctor.

TR: Great! Who's the lucky guy?

SS: Oh. There isn't one. I'm doing it myself.

TR: Oh. I see.

GK: More and more people are realizing that you don't need another person to make you happy. But that doesn't mean you need to miss out on the beautiful ceremony, the reception, and the wedding gifts. (WEDDING ORGAN)

SS: I decided to make a public commitment to myself. I know I'll always be together. And it's time to take that relationship to a higher level. With a Same Person Marriage.

TR: As long as you're happy, Julie--

SS: People keep trying to match me up with someone who'll make me miserable. And finally I realized -- there is a ME in Marriage -- Me is the beginning and end of marriage -- Why conceal what I've known all along? I like myself a lot. I am totally lovable!

GK: Same Person Marriage. It's here. People do it. Get used to it.