This is University of Minnesota Extension Home Economist Barb Rudolph with a recipe for baked dragon. After you've killed the dragon, use a paring knife or potato peeler to remove the scales and also remove the fire-breathing organ that is located in the dragon's throat. Place in an enormous baking pan and bake at 350 degrees for about 147 hours. Remove from oven and slice with a low-voltage chain saw, and add salt and pepper to taste, and serve with a rhubarb confit. For my rhubarb confit recipe, send 35 cents in coin, no stamps please, to Barb Rudolph, University of Minnesota Dept of Extension Home Economics, Box 147, University Station, 350 University Avenue SE, Minneapolis 15, Minnesota. Or call me at Federal 2014 and I'll give you the recipe over the phone. Thank you. This is Extension Home Economist Barb Rudolph with a----- O no----- (DRAGON ROAR. SHRIEK. DRAGON ATTACK. DRAGON RIPPING AND TEARING. DRAGON CHEWING. DRAGON SWALLOWING. DRAGON SALTING. DRAGON CUTTING WITH KNIFE AND FORK. CHEWING. SWALLOWING. BELCHING)