Through the stormy clouds he flies,
Breaking the sound barrier,
Our mighty president of the skies
Aims toward the aircraft carrier.
With steady hand he braves dark fate
Over the raging sea.
Just as he guides the ship of state
Toward great prosperity.
Striding purposefully cross the deck,
His visage kind but firm,
Surely we should re-elect
Him to a second term.
Support the troops, support the war,
George W. Bush in 2004.

He flew across the ocean,
Like Lindberg years ago.
A gentleman from Texas in his jet,
He headed for the carrier
And brought the plane in low
In a landing that we never will forget.

It's a beautiful beautiful thing
To fly through the sky clear and blue.
Happy landings to you, Mr. President.
We all are Republicans for you.

He strolled across the flight deck
In his new flight suit
A figure of resolve and manly charm.
With many tubes and zippers
Running down to his flight boots
And several little pockets on each arm.

He gave a speech on TV
With the ocean a backdrop
And announced that we had won the war in Iraq
Our Commander in Chief,
Of all the guns he is the top
And he got into his plane and flew right back.

He's the leader of our country
And so in him we trust,
To defend the Constitution was his oath.
We all must work together
For a tax cut that's robust
And that will lead to economic growth.

It's a beautiful beautiful thing
To fly through the sky clear and blue.
Happy landings to you, Mr. President.
We all are Republicans for you.

© Garrison Keillor 2003