The Minnesota State Legislature has passed and the Governor has signed a law which gives people the right to carry concealed weapons. Here with a commentary is Sue Scott.

SS: As a woman, I feel that the new law discriminates against us because ---- face it, most women aren't good shots. My years of volunteer work in the schools never gave me the chance to learn how to lock and load and take aim and fire. And so I say that women should have the right to carry grenades. If someone drives up alongside my car on I-94 waving a pistol at me, I need an equalizer, and that's a hand grenade.

I just roll down my window, flip him the bird, get the grenade out of my briefcase, yank the pin, count to three, ein zwei drei, and toss it in his passenger side, and he's toast. Grenades are safer; they don't travel as far. You don't accidentally kill some little kid a half mile away, you only kill the people you want to kill, the ones in that car who waved the gun at you.

People who are poor shots should be allowed to carry grenades, and if you don't agree, we're going to hurt you. It's as simple as that.

TR: Message prepared and paid for by W.I.F.E., Women in Favor of Explosives.

© Garrison Keillor 2003