Here in the north, spring does not always come in April,
We have a climate that offers us a great diversity.
It's quite possible that tomorrow morning's paper'll
Say, "Two inches expected tomorrow. Perhaps clearing by Thursday."

We do not complain, because if we did, we'd go on all day,
We simply put on a warm coat and march forth.
Even in freezing rain in May, we are pretty much okay.
We were brought up to be pretty much okay here in the North.

If it snows in April, we don't curse, we say, "Mercy."
If it snows in May, we say, "Oh, for pity's sake."
We avoid irritating God, knowing there is something worse He
Could send down. Anything short of that, we can take.

And when the crocuses do come up, and the tulips, and the purple
We feel tremendous joy, though it is not something we would ever

© Garrison Keillor 2003