(GK: Garrison Keillor; SS: Sue Scott; TR: Tim Russell; FN: Fred Newman)



SS: Ever since I bought those CDs at the candle store, I've felt that I'm living in slow motion. I sit down in a chair and suddenly it's Tuesday...

I don't think I have a job anymore. I'm not sure. I used to have one but I don't remember where it was...

I guess Jeff is gone. His things are gone. And I think I may have left the baby at the co-op...

GK: New Age Music. It's financed by a vast right-wing conspiracy, to make liberals stupid.

SS: Breathing gives me this whole sense of being in my body.

GK: New Age. It's here and it won't go away. We're going to have to kill it. (EXPLOSION) A message from the Society for the Promotion of Minor Chords. (MINOR CHORD)

© Garrison Keillor 2002