(GK: Garrison Keillor, TR: Tim Russell, SS: Sue Scott, TK: Tom Keith)

GK: Our show brought to you by Roy's Rent-A-Dog ---- (BARKS) whatever type of dog you need ---- faithful friend (SFX), hunter (SFX), sentry (SFX), or show dog (SFX), rent your next dog from Roy --- here's one of Roy's Giant Mastiffs (BLOODTHIRSTY SNARL) --- these dogs stand about five feet tall at the shoulders and drip spit from their mouths and with one of these you'll never need to lock your house again (BLOODTHIRSTY SNARL) ----- on the other hand, for a babysitter, there's nothing like a border collie (BARKS) ------

SS: Honey? Sounds like Timmy's fallen into the abandoned mineshaft again.

GK: And if you're putting on a big party, try one of our shepherds (WOOF) ---- a big gentle dog that herds your guests out of the kitchen (WOOFS) and into the living room ---- guards against people putting a wet glass on your end table (SLIGHT GROWL) ---- and when it's time for everyone to go home (SHARP BARKS), Old Shep the party dog gets them out the door in no time flat. Roy's Rent A Dog for all your canine needs....(WOOFS)

(c) 2001 by Garrison Keillor