(GK: Garrison Keillor, TR: Tim Russell, SS: Sue Scott, TK: Tom Keith, PD: Pat Donohue)

.....brought to you by Guy's Shoes, the sponsor of the Guy's All Star Shoe Band.

SS: Hi there. You looking for someone?

TR: No. I work here.

SS: Oh. Where you from?

TR: I'm from here.

SS: Originally?

TR: Originally I'm from California.

SS: Well, that's what I meant. How long you been here?

TR: Twelve years.

SS: So ----you enjoying your stay so far? (MUSIC)

GK: It can take awhile to establish yourself in a new community. Especially if you're wearing the wrong shoes.

TR: What's wrong with my shoes?

GK: Guys in Minnesota don't wear two-toned shoes, Bruce. Unless they're in assisted living.

TR: I had no idea. (BUILD TO JINGLE)

GK: One more reason to get your shoes from Guy's --- Guy's sells normal shoes for regular people like yourselves ----- remember: if people look at you funny, it may be those shoes of yours.


(c) 2001 by Garrison Keillor