(GK: Garrison Keillor, SS: Sue Scott, TK: Tom Keith, TR: Tim Russell)

.....after a word from the American Duct Tape Council. (DUCKS) and here is supermodel Cynthia Maxwell.

SS: The life of a supermodel means maintaining a balance between being devastatingly beautiful in a fragile and angular way and yet maintaining the self-esteem of a rhinoceros. It is a delicate balance and at any time you're capable of total meltdown and just diving face-first into the cheeseburgers and going to pieces There is just so much stress whenever you look this good. People are always walking up to you and saying, "I saw your spread in Vogue, what's your secret, how do you get your hair to do that?" and that's why whenever I'm out in public, I carry yellow-striped duct tape and I tape off a whole area around myself so I can relax and not be subjected to the needs of my fans. The tape says, "Security" and that's exactly what it gives you.

GK: Yellow-striped Security Duct Tape----- if family or students or clients or co-workers are getting in your face, tape off the area with duct-tape.

SS: It really works.

GK: Of course it works. It's duct tape. (DUCKS) A message from the American Duct Tape Council.

(c) 2000 by Garrison Keillor