(GK: Garrison Keillor, SS: Sue Scott, TK: Tom Keith, TR: Tim Russell)

GK: We'll return right after a word from the American Duct Tape Council, (DUCKS) and supermodel Cynthia Maxwell.

SS: The life of a supermodel is, like, way cool. I mean, like, you get to be devastatingly beautiful and walk into a room and every woman, like, wants to shoot you, and you get to go to totally gorgeous places and do shoots on these awesome beaches and get sand in your bikini and, like, every man around is staring at you with this, like, really needy look in his eye. For a supermodel like moi, the big enemies are (1) forgetting my bottle of water somewhere and (2) eating food and (3) having a press person who is not, like, on top of things, you know? And (4) direct sunlight. Exposure to the sun is, like, no way. And that's why I always carry duct tape. Now, you're going, like, why doesn't she use sunscreen, and I'm going, like, sure, right, and what if it doesn't work, and you're going, like, duct tape? And I'm going, like, yes, duct tape, like, get over it, okay? And you're going, really? And I'm going. Really. Got to go. Got a shoot. Ciao.

GK: Thank you, Cynthia Maxwell. Duct tape. It's almost just about the only thing you need sometimes, duct tape. (DUCKS) A message from the American Duct Tape Council.

(c) 2000 by Garrison Keillor