(GK: Garrison Keillor, SS: Sue Scott, TK: Tom Keith, TR: Tim Russell, RD: Rich Dworsky)
And now here's New York construction worker Al Pascaglio with a word about duct tape.

TR (NYER): It's okay, construction work. You earn good dough and you're outdoors, and you get to interact with the public - Hey, chickie! How'd you like to light my blowtorch, sweetheart? - The bad part is when you're on the job and say you're welding seams for the windowpanels before the brickworkers come in and you're up on the 56th floor and you look down and, whoa, excuse me - you forgot to weld the panels on the 55th floor and the 54th and it looks like the 53rd is loose too. So what you gonna do? Cost everybody a day on the job and go back and do what you shoulda done yesterday? No! You just seal 'em up with duct tape. It works real good. I wouldn't try to hold together a whole building with it or anything, but just for a couple floors, it's fine.

GK: New York construction worker Al Pascaglio for duct tape ... it's almost just about the only thing you need sometimes, duct tape.

TR (NYER): If you're staying in a hotel, I wouldn't lean against the window if I was you. It ain't gonna fall out as long as you don't lean against it. So if you're careful, you'll be fine.

GK: (DUCKS) A message from the American Duct Tape Council.

(c) 1999 by Garrison Keillor