(GK: Garrison Keillor, SS: Sue Scott, TK: Tom Keith, TR: Tim Russell, RD: Rich Dworsky)

Tonight I'm downhearted, for though we have parted,
You love me, I know that you do.
As I take my cape off 'n lie in my coffin,
O how my heart bleeds for you.

Are you lonesome tonight? Do you miss me tonight?
Are you sorry you made me a wreck?
Do you think of me on your balcony
When I made that scratch on your neck?

Do you think of my face when the hoot owl sings,
Do you listen at night for the beat of my wings?
Are your eyes all aglow? Are you really Type O?
Tell me, dear, are you lonesome tonight?
TR (ARTS LADY): We have Marilyn on the line. Marilyn -

SS (ON PHONE): Thank you for taking my call. I love your show.

TR (ARTS LADY): Thank you, dear.

SS: I have a problem with closure.

TR (ARTS LADY): A closure issue, yes.

SS: For the past sixteen months, I've been a stable, committed, loving relationship with a vampire who I met one night when I was sleepwalking in the garden -

TR (ARTS LADY): I see ...

SS: I was attracted to him because I'm, like, definitely not a literal left-brain person and - like, when I met him, he was in the form of a wolf.

TR (ARTS LADY): Interesting.

SS: We'd go out on dates, and he'd show up as a bat or a raven, but bats can be just as beautiful as anything else. You know?

TR (ARTS LADY): Yes, of course.

SS: I feel we must learn to love bats so we can learn how to love ourselves.

TR (ARTS LADY): Good point.

SS: Of course we were very different. I'm a day person, he's a night person. I like waterbeds, he likes crypts. And so forth.

TR (ARTS LADY): Oh, I've been there.

SS: But we worked through that. But then I told him we needed to address his dependency issues and he went nuts.

TR (ARTS LADY): We're talking about blood, right?

SS: Exactly. I found out he was overdrawn at the blood bank. I offered to get him into a plasma program. He refused. He was a wonderful guy when he wasn't drinking blood, but then, look out. I told him I couldn't live like that. He said, "So die then."

TR (ARTS LADY): So you've broken up with him?

SS: That's my problem. I'm trying to. I don't know how.

TR (ARTS LADY): Well, if you want to get away, just cross a river. Vampires can't cross running water.

SS: I didn't know that.

TR (ARTS LADY): It's in my book, "Women Are From Venus, Men Are From Transylvania."

SS: That is so interesting.

TR (ARTS LADY): If you can find him during the day when he's resting, you might try cutting his head off with a shovel. And then drive a stake through his heart, but it has to be hawthorne or ash, and it has to be driven through his heart in one blow.

SS: So you don't think counseling will work?

TR (ARTS LADY): No, dear, you have to kill him and bury him head downwards with his hands and feet tied and pound stakes into the ground and fill up the coffin with seeds.

SS: What if we went to counseling, together?

TR (ARTS LADY): Read my book, dear. It tells you where to buy the right kind of shovel, everything.

SS: I'm going to hang up now - in case he's trying to call me.

TR (ARTS LADY): Okay. Let me know what happens. I care.

SS: Thank you.


Are your windows both open and the door locked, my dear?
Do you sit up in bed and sense that I'm near?
Is your heart filled with pain? shall I bite you again?
Tell me, dear, are you lonesome tonight? (HOWL)

(c) 1999 by Garrison Keillor