TR (PEROT): Leaving Minnesota and coming down to Texas is about the first sensible thing you people have done since Napoleon's dog got fleas. Let me tell you something. Any dance that requires new overalls is the reason man was given a pair of ears. You put the pig in the strawberry patch, don't be surprised if the preacher is late to supper. It's as simple as that. And I don't mean your Uncle Harry.
TR (BUSH): Just wanted to say a big howdy welcome to Texas and you know, Bar and I, we came here. Did that whole family thing. All of that. The kids, the picnics, the --- you name it ---- and I don't regret it. Fatherhood. Big rewards. Taught em that.... a man's reach must exceed his grasp and if you can just make the world a better place than what you thought it was ---- I mean, it's not ideal. Nothing is. But, like it says, two roads diverged in the woods and I took the one that came here and here I am.
(c) 1998 by Garrison Keillor