GK:. . . Brought to you by American Lock & Latch, makers of the Smart Wallet (CLANK), equipped with a C-chip to prevent impulse shopping. (WARNING BUZZER.) Children, if your parents are throwing away your college tuition on stuff they don't need, just attach a C-chip to their credit cards and when they try to swipe them through the cash machine....

TK (ELECTRONIC VOICE): I don't think so.

Your parents have run up the national debt, they are running Social Security right into the ground, they're poisoning the earth, and you're going to let them spend the money you need for education to deal with this mess?

TK (ELECTRONIC VOICE): I don't think so.

Your parents want to buy a new boat, get a car, fly to Europe, redecorate the house --- that's your money they're spending. You didn't choose to be born into this world, but here you are, and are they taking responsibility for the future?

TK (ELECTRONIC VOICE): I don't think so.

Mother's Day is coming up, and Father's Day soon after. Why not get your parents a Smart Wallet (CLANK) with a C-Chip to guard against waste. (WARNING BUZZER)

GK: From American Lock & Latch.


© 1996 By Garrison Keillor